Author Archives: Asia Divers

Back on road – Ride Report #21

September 27
“Back On The Road Again”, dadadadadadadadada, dadadadadadadadada, on the road again, yes we are back on the road again after going through quiet the ordeal, we managed to get it all together, 7am hardware opens in this tiny town called Broome, hear that back home, where nothing opens before 10am!! By 7:15 we had the tool we needed and Terry was on the case, had it all back together, cleaned up and we took off for Halls Creek, some 680 kilometres down the road, by around 8am. [more]

Pitstop – Ride Report #19

September 24
Left Karratha for Port Headland only two and a half hours away where we would stop, meet up with my brother Graham who I have not seen for years. The ride was nice, much of what we have seen on the previous days, very enjoyable. Riding into Port Headland you could see it was all mining and not much else. We stopped at an information center and called Graham, who said stay where you and and don’t go anywhere. During our five [more]

Aussie Fund Raiser Ride to Perth #12

September 15
Left Esperance at 6:15, just missing the rain that was on its way across the bay. It was again a very good ride, with completely different scenery along the way. I took some photo’s today of the wild flowers that litter the road side. The fields of yellow Canola and some interesting country side, no more the Nullabor outback Australia we have experienced the past two to three days. Increasable how you turn a corner and it all changes so quickly. [more]