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It’s been a bit of a busy week for us here at Asia divers, with two groups from different sides of the world.

Bestdive from Warsaw Poland had an awesome time with us, diving all the usual spots with a great trip to Verde Island. They also seamed to enjoy a few nights in the point bar, and their last night saw a fair few shots downed as well a few T-shirts for shots.

Joanna (Joasia ) Drozd-Piekarowicz celebrated her 100th dive with us and was so happy with her T-shirt. Well done and thanks for visiting us!

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After a few days with our Polish friends, Udive from Taipei, Taiwan arrived and boy did these guys like to dive. Most did all four day dives, with a few night dives for good measure.

udive taiwan at asia divers puerto galera

They also did a three dive day at Verde with BBQ. Udivers enjoyed communal meals in the restaurant in the early evening with a few bevies but really let go on their last night in the Point Bar and we couldn’t help but join in! See you next time!

fun at point bar asia divers puerto galera

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