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It’s with great pleasure we can announce the 6th HUGYCUP edition.
The HUGYCUP 2014-2015 will take place in Puerto Galera, Philippines between the 22nd of February and the 18th of April. Asia divers and El Galleon resort will be our home base during the competition.
The HUGYCUP is an international underwater photo & video competition supported and sponsored by well-known resorts & dive centers, artists & equipment manufacturers.
Prizes with a total value of around 30000 € will be awarded to the best photographers & videographers.
So join us and take part of this great experience. Danny Van Belle, 4-times winner of the Golden Fin at the world festival of underwater images and Cmas Vice-world champion underwater videography will be there to give you some extra advice.
During the HUGYCUP you can get some ideas on aperture & diaphragm settings and adjustments for your camera, underwater positioning and composition.
Come and join us during the HUGYCUP period and get a chance to win one of the marvelous prizes ….  For all info have a look at

To join please contact : or through the booking form on the HUGYCUP website

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