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Tom and Kristina earned their open water diver certifications in 1995 from Tommy, who came to the U.S. Embassy in Manila to teach a course to Embassy officers.  “Once certified, we logged over 60 dives each with Asia Divers from 1995-1997, including a fabulous 4-day trip with Tommy to Tubbataha Reef on the Tabibuga.  Once we left the Philippines in 2007, we worked back in Washington and at embassies in Europe, including Brussels, Moscow and London.  Lovely places, but not a lot of diving opportunities. We finally made it back to Southeast Asia in 2013, when we moved to Bangkok. And in October 2014, after 17 years, we came back to El Galleon and Asia Divers to happily find changes only for the better, diving as good as ever, and (as always) wonderful dive masters and fellow divers.  We hope to make it back again soon – no more waiting 17 years!”

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