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Blackwater Diving

Into the Black with Asia Divers


Venture into the Dark Side

Discover an entirely new cast of characters coming to life


Blackwater Diving in Puerto Galera, Philippines

Asia Divers is diving into the black. We’ve all had training from one of the best and well known Blackwater photographers in the Philippines, Scott “Gutsy” Tuason, along with Vanessa Vergara and Bryan Nazareno from Squires Bingham Sports. They were here to show us the ropes and get us all set up for this venture into the dark side.

Into the Black

"It's the greatest migration on earth and it happens every night, right in front of you!"

Scott "Gutsy" Tuason

We’ve already discovered that it is an entirely new cast of characters coming to life, all very mysterious but exciting really. Suspended in the pitch black we hovered over a depth of 160 meters in the Verde Island Passage awaiting for the show to begin. Sensational, alien-like creatures of the deep rose to the surface to feed and breed. Our blackwater dives in the Verde Island Passage did not disappoint us. Along with lots of weird and wonderful jellys, squids, salps we got to see a paper nautilus and a pelagic sea snake.

We now have all of the equipment needed and are trained on how to look after our divers who are doing these dives, so give us a shout if you’re interested to try it out!

Into the BLACK?

It’s the greatest migration on earth and it happens every night, right in front of you! 

It’s the greatest migration on earth and it happens every night, right in front of you! 

It’s the greatest migration on earth and it happens every night, right in front of you! 

It’s the greatest migration on earth and it happens every night, right in front of you! 

It’s the greatest migration on earth and it happens every night, right in front of you! 

It’s the greatest migration on earth and it happens every night, right in front of you! 

Check out these cool photos from Gutsy that he took on the dives her did here with us.

Palegic Squid

Pelagic Sea Snake

Comb Jelly with Larvacean inside

This is a paper nautilus is by Arthur Nash. He took this on his second ever black water dive using an Olympus TG-3 with no strobe.

Blackwater with Phil Rudin

While Phil Rudin was here conducting a photo workshop last month he managed to go out on just one backwater dive….and what a dive it was!! Here are just a couple of the photos he took in the Verde Island Passage in front of El Galleon Resort /Asia Divers. He was using: Sony A7R III, 90 macro, two Inon Z-330 strobes, Nauticam housing. ISO-200, F/13, 1/250th sec.

We know that Phil is now eager to come back for more Blackwater diving with us! Keep watching out here for the details next photo workshop…


Pelagic Zoea, larval stage Crab

10 meters, 50+ meter depth

Moorish Idol advanced larval stage

12 meters, 50+ meter depth

Pyrosome (free-floating colonial tunicae) and Driftfish inside and outside the Pyrosome

1 meters, 50+ meter depth

Blackwater Diving Rates

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Contact Information

El Galleon Dive Resort & Asia Divers

Booking/General inquiries:

Diving/Courses Inquiries:

PADI Professional Courses:

Technical Diving:

Cellphone+ 63 (917)814-5107

Small Lalaguna Beach, Sabang, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines 5203

Manila Office
Equipment Sales

1741 Dian Street, Abimir Place, Palanan Makati City, Philippines 1253

Tel: +63 (02)-8- 834-2974

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