Baolin Tan and his fiancée Shenyu Liu are happy to spent their Chinese national holidays to complete their Open water course with Andy and Miumiu.
宝林和小羽这对甜蜜的伉俪在海豚湾和Miumiu,Andy教练一起度过了这个难忘的国庆假期,他们顺利通过了Padi 的open water 课程!恭喜他们!
Chloe is so excited to done her Open water course at Asia divers with Miumiu, and now is time to enjoying her new adventure under water.
大美女Chloe 在Miumiu教练的热情且耐心的教导下拿到了她的OW证书。看,她笑的多开心,现在可以和朋友一起畅游海底世界了!