What’s been happening at Asia Divers and El Galleon Resort…
Skip Tucker and his EGGstrordinary group have EGGsited El Galleon…Oh what an EGGciting week it was!
What a great week it’s been having Skip Tucker from Eco Dive Center in California back here again. His group loved the diving and all the non-diving fun as well.
A very big thank you to Skip for putting his trust in us and getting so many wonderful folks signed up for this trip. Thanks also to Tim Yeo at Bluewater Travel for getting the logistics nailed down. Let’s do it EGGain!!
80’s Party at The Point Bar
The 80’s themed Wigs night was a huge success with people all done up in lots of big hair.
100 Dives in Puerto Galera

Congratulations to Linda Van Der Linde who did her 100th dive and of course she just had to dress up for the occasion. Somehow we missed to add this on her t-shit…but we’ll add it on next time!

Charolotte Mausolf was also super excited because she did her 100th dive on this trip. Congratulations!

Happy birthday to John Keeney who celebrated his special day here with us. Skip made sure the cake had the appropriate greeting to his very long time dear friend.

Snorkeling mermaids with “Mama”, Linda, Laura and Rose.
Good times at Verde Island

Verde Island Surface interval was a perfect place for the group to spend their last day after two fantastic dives on the Drop Off.

Nothing like a BCD party with cold beers while floating around the Verde Island passage!
Flying and diving do mix!

Getting super excited about the drifting through Canyons to see some of the big schools of big fishes…with Ruben, Sarah, Karl, Soren, Jesper, Charlie and Graham.
Photo Workshop – June 16-23, 2019
Exposure Triangle: Learn how to balance aperture, shutter speed and ISO to create a well-exposed image. What are the most important aspects of the image? This will determine the settings used in a particular frame.
Come and join our Photo Workshop with Phil Rudin and Beth Watson
Enhance and fine tune your underwater photography.
Join our workshop June 16-23, 2019 at El Galleon Resort/ Asia Divers. See details here.
Or contact instructors@asiadivers.com
E-IDC update
PADI Freediving Workshop at Asia Divers
Our entire Asia Divers instructor team and point shop participated in a PADI Freediving workshop, learning more about the sports itself, what PADI is offering and what awesome Freediving gear we have in the point shop with Ocean Dive Supply.
We are ready to support Freedivers (recreational and competitive) and those who want to give it a try… next update when Rhuby joins in the pool… 😉

And look at the cool poster we received from PADI Regional Manager Conny Jeppsen. Thanks Conny
How long can you hold your breath?
Follow the link for more information about our PADI Freediving Courses
Learn to Freedive the PADI Way [block id=”blog-follow”]